Moonlight Zoo emerged in 2016, leaving their hometown of Dunfermline to cut their musical teeth busking around the streets of Europe. The band honed their sound on the pavement, learning to sing in a three-part harmony and play with ferocious aggression in order to cut through the noise of the city, before returning to Scotland to take their unique brand of alternative anthemic pop to the big stage. Heavily influenced by Scottish rockers Big Country, Moonlight Zoo borrow their anthemic Celtic elements of their hometown heroes and infuse it with a modern pop twist inspired by artists like Haim.
Since forming, Moonlight Zoo have taken their wild live shows to every corner of the UK and performed at major festivals including Isle of Wight, TRNSMT, and Kendal Calling.
Their first single ‘Breaking or Broken’ was Radio X’s track of the week and called: “The best debut we have heard since Blossoms burst onto the scene” by THIS FEELING.
Follow up single “Wild” was a BBC One Scotland single of the week and led to the band selling out King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut and touring nationally.
2019 was the bands biggest year to date as they made it through multiple heats to be crowned champions of Hard Rock Café’s International Battle of The Bands after playing for a host of industry experts at the Paramount Theatre in Times Square NY.